First things first, its going to be so crazy how I will be in your ward when I get home! It will be insane! But it will be so awesome to have my dad as a councilor! You rock dad! Its so good to hear that work is going great!!! And that the d-backs are tearing it up as well. and the cards!! Our baptism dates continue to grow!!! I LOVE you so so so much dad! Thank you for all that you do for me I'm so thankful for you!! Words cant even describe!!! Thank you for everything that you do for me!!!Love Your son Anz Scheurn

Alrighty... so it is about week 3 in this transfer and man i'm telling you everything is just flying by like I have no idea what to do! I just feel like there is no time to do anything because every time I look at the calendar it just seems like there is a week that has past by, that I missed! But anyway the work continue to moves forward with Lin and Wang! Mom they are seriously so BOSS!!!!!!!! I gave them both a SIG ring and they love it! Its so sweet how much they love this gospel! Lin seems to be progressing a little more quicker then Wang but they both will be ready for the 17th of September no DOUBT!!! Please just continue to pray for them! I love them so much! They understand everything about the gospel its so sick!!!! They rock!
Hmm so what else has gone down! Well last Sunday we had a return missionary come home in our ward named Elder Trexlar! HE ROCKS!!! His dad is American and works in the army and his mom is Italian so they all speak perfect English and Italian!! He served in SLC Utah! I think this Thursday we are bringing Lin and Wang over to there house for a BBQ so that will be sweet, I know they will love that!! Hmm so its a really funny story like our ward isn't the most organized ward. Like I love them so much but we are working with them alot! But basically Andrew or Elder Trexlar came home and bore his testimony in sacrament meeting and its funny because coming from SLC Utah you can probably guess how well the ward and church is ran there! So what Andrew did was during his talk he called me and Anz Giove up to the pulpit, and he was like! These to men of God are called of good and I know that to be true! They are here to invite others to come unto Christ! Not to knock on doors! So basically he was saying how the ward should have such a huge part in fellowshipping and finding investigators and referrals! He is so awesome!!!!!!!!! And he said he will do everything in his will to find us people each week! And that if we ever need ANYTHING we can call him! He is so awesome! A TRUE disciple of Christ! Its so great to have him back! And I know when I come home it will be the same way for me! He actually translated for Lin and Wang in church last Sunday too, and has invited them to play soccer with him so that is sweet also!
Hmm so Fluorentino is continuing to do awesome! But hard to talk to because he still does not understand Italian or English very well! But Andrew gave us a idea! The Sorelle in Temple Square! They actually do the lessons over the phone in all languages so, we could find a Tagalog speaking sorella for him!! So that will be awesome! And Howenii we will continue to see what goes down with her! We see her tomorrow! And she is awesome! But cant really grasp the whole prophet thing! How there is a living prophet and she kind of gets the feeling that we praise Joseph Smith but..... false! We will see with her, just continue to pray, your the bomb mom thanks for praying for them!!
Its so great to hear you are going to the temple, I love to hear that! Its just so funny how people take the temple for granted because they have a temple 5 min away from there house! But I can not WAIT to go to the temple again! It will be sweet!!!
So I did get your BIRTHDAY PACKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom let me just say it is the most ballin package I have ever received ever!!!! I bragged to everyone about it and they were like what the heck your mom rocks!! And I was like I know brohas!!! So that was awesome mom thank you so so so so much!
Today I will be hanging out with Bushman and Warren! So, Anz Blagga who was in Siena with Anz Leinhardt was having problems so, they spaced transferred Bushman into Siena so now he is in my zone!! And I will be chillin with him today in Firenze!!!! It will be so great!
Its funny to mom because now me Free and Bushman are all in the same zone! We talk about what we will do when we get home together how we will all go to the temple together and stuff so its going to be pretty awesome! But anyway I have been going on for a while! Tell Paul he better watch himself or I will have to come down there and show him a thing or two! Mom if you and Pops served a mission O MY Goodness it would be the best experience ever! Its so great to be here!
Mom I love this church! I'm So STOKED!!!!! For general conference coming up! Its almost like Friday Night Football for us missionaries! I'm so stoked to hear the words of our living prophet and the apostles and the 70!!!! Mom thank you so much for always being here for me, you and dad are so great!!! JUST BOSS!!!! Thank you for everything!!!!! I love you guys so so so much!!!!!
Love Anziano Scheurn
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