So Pretty Much the Best Mother in the Whole World!
Man you write so much I cant even keep up with all of it but... I just love all of the information that you give me on how the family is doing! Ok so I did receive the Easter boxes and let me just tell you... Freaking awesome! Seriously no joke I was so stoked when I saw the boxes! I ran to the door and was just like no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I waited to open them until night time because we had more finding work to do and I didn't want to be distracted but when I opened them up that night let me just tell you I was and am pretty much in HEAVEN. Seriously thank you so much mom for those boxes they were so.. what's the word.. oh yeah PERFECT!!! It had everything I needed! So for this Easter nothing really special happened but we did have a speaker come in who was from Milano 3 and give a special lesson about the Plan of Salvation, it was very strong and solid! And we had a investigator at church to hear it, her name is Sara she is cool we should be getting a baptismal date from her fairly quick! We got invited to eat at the ward mission leaders house but it was kind of bummer we had to tell him no because we had promised a less active we would come to visit them so we had to make the sacrifice to go see them! It was a little tough not eating with a big family but I know we will be blessed for it! So another story we were on our way home from a long bike ride appointment when I was riding and all of the sudden BOOM!! My bike tire had popped and we were still pretty far from home so we had to walk our bikes home! We fixed the bikes and it was a new day and we were on our way to see that person again when all of the sudden BOOM! Again my bike tire had popped once again so luckily we were by Bennet and we bought some bike tire stuff and fixed it. So another cool story we were doing what we call a scambi its where we switch companions in the district and I was working with Anziano Giove. We didn't have any luck all day we were talking to everyone but nothing. So we were riding home and it was about 8:30 pm and I turned and looked at Anziano Giove and said, "do you think we can give one Book of Mormon out" you know kind of testing him. And he said "oh yes we can"! So we were riding and Anziano Giove felt prompted to stop and do "casa"... We knocked on this one guys door but he said he was not interested and finally the second door we knocked on this girl came to the door and said, "oh my goodness you guys are mormons". my friend is mormon and I have been wanting to hear what you guys believe in"!. So sure enough we did give out a Book of Mormon because we had the faith to do so!! I know when we don't have anything we can just turn to faith! Faith will get us anywhere in life. The same day my tire popped we had 4 appointments set up. But all of them fell through and that is very tough on a missionary but its ok because I know that something amazing is going to happen soon... I can just feel it!
So about Ruby it honestly makes me a little teary to think about putting her down. Man I loved that dog so much and she is truly an amazing dog! That is so sad! But I do love those pictures that you have sent me they are seriously awesome and that runt seems like a very great looking dog! Hmm so about a name i'm trying to think of one. Elena is a cool name. I like that name a lot. So yeah the interview with President Wolfgramm went very well we basically just talked about how my companion is doing and also we did the start chart a little bit. I will have to explain the start chart a little bit to you later because I don't have that much time because I still need to write Pres Wolfgramm. Man I just cant express my gratitude on how thankful I am for you and dad... seriously you both are the biggest blessings in the world!! I love you guys so much and I have a nice letter coming to you for Mothers Day! I will also send those CDS today so you will probably get them in about a week or so. Ok so yeah I guess we call home at the church but i'm not entirely sure! I will know for sure the details next week on what we are doing and I will write them to you next p-day! Also yeah we received a letter from Pres Wolfgramm saying that we are aloud to skype so that is a good thing I will let you know on those details next week for sure! Well Mom I love you so much and again i'm so thankful for a wonderful mom who supports me in everything I do! I Really have been blessed with loving parents!! LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE,
Love, Anziano Scheurn!
P.S. I look at those hearts you have given me everyday, and I carry them in my backpack constantly!! Thank you for the prayers as well, I knowit is helping me!! LOTS of LOVE!!
P.S.S. Oh and I will just write a quick note real fast as well.... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and another thing tell Walker, Anziano Scheurn Says "GET UM" Ha Walker is a stud!!!!
Ok so the Easter was great, had to make a couple of sacrifices that I actually put in moms email so it was a good one but I know that the Savior had to make a HUGE sacrifice for us so it was the least I could do to help out a less active! The weather here has been windy as well we have had some rain and some thunder not really the ideal missionary work weather but hey I got to do what I got to do! I gave mom the name Elena for a name for the puppy, but I just don't know its hard to think of a great name. I think you should just come up with a awesome cowboy name! That's how we do in AZ we keep it Cowboy! Umm ok President said we are allowed to do skype as well! So i'm going to give everything set in stone this next Wednesday! Yeah the language is coming very very well... I mean I still need to work on it but I just try to perfect what I need to work on everyday! It just helps when you speak to people on the street about the Restored Gospel I mean what better way to practice then that! Well how is Sorella doing and also how is work! I love you so much dad and am so thankful for everything you do for me LOTS and LOTS of LOVE,
Love Anziano Scheurn
OH and who won the NBA... I'M DYING TO KNOW!!!!
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