TOM a.k.a Pops!
Your just the best father in the world!!! But anyway Cardinals just doing what they do! Thats what I'm talking about you might need to get some Super Bowl tickets so when they go to the Super Bowl, eh eh! haha but anyway Pops I love my mission so much! I'm learning so much it is crazy! I feel like I need time to slow down because I have learned a lot but I need to learn more! I got time, so I just need to take advantage of it! My testimony is so solid Pops! I will never ever lose it! I will always work hard when I get home... with work and school! I love you and you're my example of that.... your are just a huge work horse! I love you so so so much! Well I hope you're doing well Pops and I can't wait to chill with you when I get home!!! Keep doing what you do!!!

Love Your Son Anz Scheurn
Family!!! and of course Mom!
Well, anyway let me just say first mom it really does seem like you have your hands full and umm I guess really the only thing I can say is endure and you will be blessed haha! Just like it says in the Book of Mormon! 2 Nephi 31:20! I guess you can apply this scripture to your situation haha but mom, I know that you're doing fantastic at doing what YOU DO!!!
So anyway yes that girl Ginevra, I can probably try to go visit her family! Because the Duomo is actually in our area which is crazy! So I think it would be fun. In fact today is p-day and we will be in that area checking out some churches, so maybe we will pass by and get some pictures! That would be pretty sweet! Mom you need to understand thats just how Italians are! They speak loud! But are JUST BALLERS!! They are so funny! I swear at first... I will admit it was super hard getting used to their humor and their culture... but man I got to tell you I'm one of them now! They will always hold a place in my heart! Just like Joe and Walker said about their missions! So thats awesome!!!! I cant wait to just hangout with all of the Italians students, we will all speak Italian all the time haha! I'm sorry mom, but that is just whats going to happen! But yes he does need to speak some English ehhhh get that English down! But I'm looking forward to meeting Gabe and all of the Italian students, a lot!

Ok mom so now lets get on with the GREAT STUFF! IL RAGIONE PERCHE' SONO QUI! Il lavoro missionario! Well things are going so good with Giovanni!!!!!!! He is getting a long with members very well. We have had some fears of teaching him the lessons that are hard to obey but he has accepted everything!!!! And now he is on track for next Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so stoked!!! All of this hard work has payed off! And the Lord ALWAYS keeps his promises!!! ALWAYS I'm a huge testimony to that!!! But anyway I think he wants me to baptize him! Like I want a member to do it but he insists on me doing it! So that will be sweet! Giovanni is so great, he texts us like every night saying how he is so blessed to learn more about his Heavenly Father and just wants to learn learn learn!! JUST A BALLER!!!! Please continue to pray for him HARD!!!! Because the prayers have been helping like crazy!!
So I will tell a cool miracle story! Well, anyway we were doing a scambio with the Muggio Anziani and I was with Anziano Hackamack!! He IS A BALLER!!!! LOVE HIM! Anyway we had some lessons set up! Our new investigator that was supposed to come... but, was a no show.... and I swear that is the toughest thing when investigators don't show to appointments but... that didn't phase us you know why!!! We got out there and did some knocking on some doors! AND... guess what we did not see success.... hmmm thats not cool!!! Anyway we were determined!!! So we continued to talk with everyone, and I mean everyone! We were so close to the miracle fence!!!! BUT nothing..... so as we were on our way in to the apartment... I received a call from a member named Willy! He told us he had a referral!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUH YUH! Long story short we met with the referral and Willy the next day and the man's name is Marco!! AND.... he is awesome!! We have another appointment with him! I'm super excited just knowing... that when we give it, our all... the Lord will bless us and its fantastic! Just incredible!! As far as other people! SALAVTORE from Napoli is making SWEET progress!!! He will be baptized I know that! I don't know when but he WILL! Just an awesome man with a huge heart and huge desire to change!!! LOVE THAT MAN! We are just working with some other people right now but those are the three biggest things right now going on in the amazing work of the Lord AND... I LOVE IT!!!!
About that one guy Captain Italy! (the runner) we don't see him anymore! I think he learned his lesson! Anziano Sexton and I continue to just, I'm sorry to say this but lower his self esteem the way we run!! hahaha but anyway its fun! Anz Sexton and I really do pray that I can do one more transfer with him at least here in Milano 2! I would love it! He is just such an amazing missionary, the biggest example to me! I learn so much from him! He always knows when to cheer me up! I'm got to say, I just feel like I'm terrible around him because he is just so great!!!! We do have lots of fun and work hard and I'm really really praying for Giovanni because, I want Anziano Sexton to have this baptism more then anything so he can see it! Also he is perfect in 20 lessons so far! Remember that promise from Boyd K Packer, that if we get 20 lessons a week our baptisms will double! Once again I have a huge testimony of that because since I have been in Milano we have taught shared 20 lessons each week and I just see HUGE blessings from it! The Lord is with us and thats for sure! Speaking of Boyd K Packer, I cant believe its almost general conference again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goodness! Time is really just going by like you said!! I'm looking forward to conference LOTS!!! Get some of that wonderful stuff called umm what is it... O yeah PERSONAL REVELATION! hahaha thats the beauty of the Restoration!!
So man I'm almost 21! Just insane! Time....I don't know where it's going!!! But its going and thats for sure!
Mom the conference Sunday was just out of this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw my boy Elder Rasband speak!!! Just out of control really!!! Like I can't explain just how out of control it was! He is a boss!! Probably my favorite member of the Seventy!! Just knows everything!!! It was great, saw a lot of people form LECCO!!!!!! They all remembered me!!! haha especially Fratello Mazzina! I don't know if you remember them but anyway they spoke English, he served a mission in England and the wife in Palmayra New York! Well they had a baby girl! She is adorable! Every single one of the members asked me how much longer I had.. because I started there hahaha! But anyway I just told them… hmm I don't know haha! They are great and want me to come back with y'all and see them!! They are fantastic!! It was great to see everyone!!! Mom I'm loving life here! I love my mission so much!!! I do know Anziano Dadabbo. He is form Queen Creek. I don't talk to him to much but, yes I know him and he is a great missionary! Just fantastic!
This church is true mom!! I love the pictures you send! Don't worry I'm taking lots of pictures so don't worry about that! I think I have been doing good on pictures but I know I can always to better! Mom I love you so much and I'm so thankful for your support! If we don't punk Walker thats okay. I don't think he really knows how much I love him! I love all my brothers and sister! Mom I'm not just saying this okay but I think I should of stuck with soccer in high school! Like I'm just owning it here in the mission. I love soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just some food for thought! But mom I need to go. Anziano Sexton and Muggio Anziani and Ben are going to go see some sweet pictures and eat some food! Its raining pretty hard here but that doesn't stop us!! I will take lots more pictures!! Tell Gabe he is a stud! AND looking fly in that tie!!!! I agree with Forrest I love him so much! Well I love you all so so so so so so so so much and.... this church is TRUE the only true church on the earth that was restored with the right and proper authority of God!!
Love you all!!!
Love Anziano Rhett Scheurn